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Home assistant

Home Assistant runs on a Raspberry Pi 3B, which lives in the rack with the audio gear.

Zigbee devices, like the IKEA lights and buttons, run through a Zigbee stick that's plugged directly into the Pi's GPIO headers. deCONZ, with the Phoscon interface, is used as bridge between Zigbee stick and the Home Assistant runtime.

Password for logging into the web interface is in Hackerpass.

The Pi takes a long to boot up after a power cycle (~5 minutes).

Getting access


  1. Go to hassio.local:8123 (or if mDNS fails) in your favorite web browser
  2. Log into web using the hassio.local Hackerpass credentials


Talk to @kfh or @sjn who have SSH access, and they can add your key. The IP address is bound to a Docker container, so it won't help to just add the key to the any OS user.


  • Raspberry Pi 3B+ (32 bit ARM v7)
  • RasbBee (deRFmega256-23M12)



We've had issues with lights bouncing between modes and turning off randomly. The current theory is that new lights get stuck in a weird split-brain state when added through deCONZ. A reboot of the entire device seems to fix this.

Update: Eirik and Deburd found that the reboot was just after OTA happens. So we tracked it to, where unfortunately this git issue had no solution when we checked. However, we turned off OTAU in the DeCONZ VNC app, and the power cycles stopped. We also turned off OTAU in the phoscon app settings, so that may also have fixed the problem. Anyhow, disabling OTAU in one of the places seems to have fixed the issue.

Lightbulb naming convention

Our four-lightbulb lights are named per numbers, 1 being on the short wall, away from the windows. Then each lightbulb is names A-D, a being closest to the corner.


/srv/hackeriet-wiki/dokuwiki/data/pages/infra/services/homeassistant.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/01 21:21 by admin