This is the new Wiki for Hackeriet. It's running DokuWiki.
It offers us more features than the Github wiki. It runs on Blade. It does not have a database, but stores all the pages as plaintext files.
We need help moving the content from Ye Olde Wiki over here. Grab a page and port it over :D
Example of a “page moved” notice to put at the top of the old Wiki page,
## 🚨 🚧 This page has been moved 🚧 🚨 Go to > Original page below
Tons, probably.
Reach out on IRC (#oslohackerspace @ Libera) to discuss!
But what about when our servers go down, and the info we need to get back up is on the wiki on our servers.
- Good input. Suggestions to handle this is welcome, just keep the premise as this wiki should be the source of truth.